Spinner, Anson

Anson Spinner (listed as Anson B. or R. Spinney in some records), a resident of Junction City, Davis County, Kansas, enlisted as a first lieutenant in Company B, 2nd Kansas Infantry on May 14, 1861. Some sources state that he resigned his commission on August 3, 1861, only a week before the 2nd Kansas ...

St. Louis Hospital

Photograph of the St. Louis Hospital.

Photograph of an unidentified military hospital at St. Louis, Missouri; the thirty-four star flag hanging next to the building would indicate the photo was taken sometime between 1861 and 1863. St. Louis played an important role in the Civil War as the main Union supply depot on the Mississippi River, headquarters for the Western Department, and ...

St. Louis Pro-Union Club

Undated group photograph of a pro-Union club in St. Louis. The photograph includes Major Henry L. McConnell of the 3rd Missouri State Militia Cavalry and St. Louis Mayor Oliver Dwight Filley. McConnell was commissioned major of the 3rd on May 16, 1862 and resigned on July 3, 1863. Filley served as mayor ...

Stanley, David S.

Photograph of David Sloan Stanley in uniform.

David Sloan Stanley was born on June 1, 1828, at Cedar Valley, Ohio; he attended West Point, graduated in 1852, and was assigned to the Western frontier, including duty in Kansas and the Indian Territory. When the Civil War began, Stanley was a captain in the 1st U.S. Cavalry. He participated in the ...

Stanley, Frank

Frank Stanley of Knox County, Illinois, originally enlisted in Company C, 83rd Illinois Infantry, on January 31, 1865; on June 30, 1865, he was transferred to Company D, 61st Illinois Infantry. While with the 83rd Illinois, Stanley served in Nashville, Tennessee, as part of the city’s garrison. He was mustered out of the service ...

Stanley, James L.

Undated post-Civil War photograph of James Stanley, wearing ornate Masonic vest and apron, indicating he was the senior warden in his local lodge; Stanley was a member of the 1st Illinois Cavalry and 7th Missouri Cavalry during the Civil War. Carte-de-Visite by J. Thurlow, Peroia, Ill. Image Courtesy Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield; WICR 30683

Stark, William H.

Bust shot of William H. Stark in uniform.

Born in Lyon, New Hampshire on March 20, 1836, William Henry Stark moved to Nebraska by 1857, then, by 1860, was living in the First Ward of St. Louis, Missouri and working as a merchant. Stark was mustered into service on October 14, 1861, in St. Louis, Missouri, as a captain in the 24th ...

Steamboats at St. Louis, Mo.

Two post-Civil War photographs of steamboats on the Mississippi River at St. Louis, Missouri; one includes a bridge spanning the river into Illinois; the other features a loading and unloading area with supplies in the foreground. St. Louis was a major supply port for the Union forces in the Trans-Mississippi Theatre. Following the ...

Steele, Anna Elizabeth

Anna Steele was born on March 29, 1842, one of twelve children born to William and Roxanna Steele. When William Steele died in 1848, Roxanna married John A. Ray. Nineteen-years-old when the Battle of Wilson’s Creek was fought almost literally in her front yard on August 10, 1861, Anna hid in the family’s ...

Steele, Frederick

Born in Delhi, New York, on January 14, 1819, Frederick Steele graduated from the U. S. Military Academy in 1843, in the same class as Ulysses S. Grant. He fought as a second lieutenant with the 2nd U. S. Infantry in the Mexican-American War. At the outbreak of the Civil War, Steele was serving as ...

Steele, Henry W. and John T. Wasson

Tintype of Henry W. Steele seated with another soldier in uniform.

Henry W. Steele (on left) mustered into Company A, 5th Kansas Cavalry on July 16, 1861, as a corporal. John T. Wasson (on right) was mustered into Company A on the same day, also as a corporal. The 5th Kansas Cavalry was organized at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas; the unit saw service in Missouri and Arkansas, including the 1863 battles ...

Stevens, Isaac I.

Isaac Stevens was born on March 25, 1818, in Massachusetts; he attended West Point and graduated first in his class in 1839. After graduation, he served a number of years with the Army Corps of Engineers, and participated in General Winfield Scott’s campaign to capture Mexico City in 1847. In 1853, he was ...

Stevenson, John D.

John Stevenson was born on June 8, 1821, in Staunton, Virginia; in 1842 he began practicing law in Franklin County, Missouri. He also served in the Missouri legislature and as a captain of Missouri volunteers during the Mexican-American War. When the Civil War began, Stevenson became colonel of the 7th Missouri Infantry, and commanded a brigade ...

Stoddard, Andrew M.

Tintype/Carte-de-Visite of Andrew M. Stoddard.

Andrew M. Stoddard, from Burlingame, Kansas, enlisted in Company I, 11th Kansas Infantry on September 1, 1862, as a private; his brother Truman H. Stoddard enlisted with him. In April 1863 the 11th Kansas Infantry was reorganized as the 11th Kansas Cavalry. The 11th Kansas Cavalry fought in the 1864 battles of Lexington, ...