Shubert, Henry A.

Henry Shubert, a cooper and native of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, enlisted as a sergeant in Linn Creek, Camden County, Missouri, in Company K, 29th Missouri Infantry on August 15, 1862; he was appointed commissary sergeant in July 1863. Shubert served as the commissary sergeant until September 23, 1864, when he was promoted to first ...

Sibley Tents

Tintype of Sibley Tents.

The Sibley tent was invented by U.S. Army officer Henry Hopkins Sibley and patented in 1856. The “new and improved conical tent” was twelve feet high and eighteen feet in diameter; Sibley claimed that it could hold 20 men comfortably with “arms and equipments.” It was supported by a central pole and iron tripod ...

Siege of Island No. 10, Mo.

Drawing of Union gunboats and mortar boats bombarding Island No. 10 in the Mississippi River.

Drawing of Union gunboats and mortar boats bombarding Island No. 10 in the Mississippi River during the New Madrid-Island No. 10 Campaign, February 28 – April 8, 1862. Despite Ulysses S. Grant’s success in opening the Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers in February 1862, the Mississippi still remained closed to Union river traffic. Confederate fortifications blocked ...

Siege of Port Hudson, La.

These stereo views document the damage to the Confederate fortifications at Port Hudson, Louisiana, following a 48-day siege by Union forces. After a direct Union assault on the fortifications failed on May 27, a formal siege of the Confederate bastion began. On July 9, 1863, Port Hudson surrendered to Union Major General Nathaniel Banks. An ...

Siege of Port Hudson, La.

Destroyed "Rebel gun" at Port Hudson, La.

“Rebel guns after the surrender” is written on the back of this stereoview. Stereoview by Unknown Photographer Images Courtesy Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield; WICR 31361

Siege of Port Hudson, La.

Man standing near a Confederate cannon at Port Hudson, La.

“Rebel gun bearing upon the river” is written on the back of this stereoview. Stereoview by Unknown Photographer Images Courtesy Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield; WICR 31366

Siege of Port Hudson, La.

View of bunkers at Port Hudson, La.

“View of some of the ‘rat holes’ where the rebels took shelter from the fire of our batteries” is written on the back of this stereoview. Stereoview by Unknown Photographer Images Courtesy Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield; WICR 31362

Siege of Port Hudson, La.

View of the "Priest Cap" at Port Hudson, La.

This particular view shows the “Priest Cap,” the northernmost point in the Confederate defenses. “Rebel works in foreground & ours in the distance” is written in ink on the back of this stereoview. Stereoview by Unknown Photographer Images Courtesy Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield; WICR 31363

Siege of Port Hudson, La.

Confederate bunkers at Battery No. 11 at Port Hudson, La.

This view shows Confederate “rat holes” at Battery No. 11, known as the Citadel, the southernmost battery at Port Hudson. Stereoview by Unknown Photographer Images Courtesy Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield; WICR 31364

Siege of Port Hudson, La.

View from north side of Port Hudson, La.

“No. 20, 4 inch Parrott guns” and “North side view from Port Hudson” is written in ink on this stereoview. Stereoview by Unknown Photographer Images Courtesy Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield; WICR 31365

Siege of Port Hudson, La.

Confederate cannon bearing upon the river.

“Port Hudson, La.” is written on the back of this stereoview. This image appears to be a similar view to the stereoview entitled “Rebel gun Bearing upon the river.” Stereoview by Unknown Photographer Images Courtesy Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield; WICR 31367

Siege of Port Hudson, La.

Disabled Confederate 24 pound gun at Port Hudson, La.

Francis Miller’s Photographic History of the Civil War (1911) describes this gun as “mounted in the camp of Duryea’s and Bainbridge’s Batteries. These works were garrisoned by the Fifteenth Arkansas Confederate Infantry.” “Disabled Rebel 24 pounder in Port Hudson” is written in ink on the back of this stereoview. Stereoview by Unknown Photographer Images Courtesy Wilson’s Creek ...

Siege of Port Hudson, La.

View of bluffs at Port Hudson, La.

This particular view shows the Port Hudson bluffs, looking downriver. Battery No. 11, known as the Citadel, was the southernmost battery in the Confederate defenses, and can be seen in the upper left side of the photograph. “West views from Port Hudson” is written in ink on the back of this stereoview. Stereoview by ...

Siege of Port Hudson, La.

 Destruction of fortifications at Port Hudson, La.

This view shows “Fort Desperate,” a portion of the fortifications defended by the 15th Arkansas Infantry. The 12-pounder howitzer in the foreground was disabled at the beginning of the siege. “Rebel gun dismounted in the works when the 12th Maine charged them on the 27th of May ‘63” is written in ink on ...