Bryant, Junius A.

Junius Bryant with family in front of house.

Junius A. Bryant was born on July 9, 1835, in Granville County, North Carolina. He joined Company I, 8th Missouri Cavalry on August 2, 1862, in Buffalo, Dallas County, Missouri, and was mustered into service on September 12, 1862.

The 8th Missouri Cavalry fought in the 1862 Battle of Prairie Grove, the 1863 Little Rock campaign, and the operations against General Joseph Shelby north of the Arkansas River in 1864.

Promoted to first sergeant on September 3, 1862, Bryant was injured and frequently absent from his company in 1863. He was discharged on a surgeon’s certificate of disability on October 24, 1863.

Bryant celebrated the 50th anniversary of his wedding on April 8, 1908. This photograph was taken to commemorate that event.

Bryant died on January 6, 1910, and is buried in Bass Chapel Cemetery near Strafford, Missouri.

Photograph by Pullen, location unknown.

Image courtesy private collector.