Smith, Morgan Lewis

Photograph of Morgan Lewis Smith in uniform.

Morgan Smith was born on March 8, 1822, in Oswego County, New York; in 1843 he settled in Indiana. At the start of the Civil War, Smith raised the 8th Missouri Volunteer Infantry and was elected its colonel in 1861. He was in command of a brigade at the capture of Fort Donelson and the Battle of Shiloh. At Shiloh, his only losses were in wounded and killed, none missing.

In July 1862 Smith was promoted to brigadier general of volunteers. At the Battle of Chickasaw Bayou in December 1862 he received a severe wound, but recovered in time to join the Army of the Tennessee at Chattanooga. Following the Battle of Atlanta in July 1864 Smith assumed command of the Fifteenth Army Corps, but was soon forced to leave active field command due to complications from his wound. Smith ended the war in command of the District of Vicksburg.

General Smith died on December 29, 1874, at Jersey City, New Jersey.

Carte-de-Visite by Armstead & Taylor, Corinth, Miss.

Image Courtesy Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield; WICR 11586