Runaway Slave Announcement – 1861

Image Courtesy of the History Museum on the Square
On Monday June 3, 1861, three slaves ran away from their owners in Springfield, Missouri. G. P. Shackelford, Louisa Campbell and H. Fulbright filed a joint runaway announcement describing the men.
Wash a boy about five feet Ten inches high rather heavy built weighing some 160 lbs and of light Copper collar and has rather heavy hair inclined to be bushy. Has rather a down look and is slow spoken but has good sence Had on when lift common clothes and is some thirty years old
Henry about five feet 4 or 5 inches high Dark copper color heavy set Twenty two years old Had on when left dark pants Janes coat & black hat
Luke a boy some six feet high black color and is about Twenty six years old
The announcement appears to be designed for publication in a Springfield, Missouri newspaper; however, the description provides more detail than is commonly found in a traditional runaway handbill. The owners offered a “liberal reward” for the apprehension and delivery of the three slaves.
Contributed by the The History Museum on the Square