Wide Awake Films
511 Delaware, Suite 300, Kansas City, MO 64105
Phone: (816) 872-FILM (3456)
Fax: (816) 872-3459
Email: sales@wideawakefilms.com
Web Address: www.wideawakefilms.com/
Myspace: www.myspace.com/wideawakefilms
Wide Awake Films is a creative media group focused on innovative, efficient execution of historical, commercial, and corporate video and film production. We excel in producing compelling and powerful corporate messages, as well as Emmy® award-winning historical content for museums, documentaries and television programming. Wide Awake Films’ eight feature-length historical documentaries are available for sale at www.civilwargoods.com.
Wide Awake Films produced the video on the Community and Conflict home page. The video represents the various themes covered by the collections in project, and sets the tone for understanding the events that transpired in the region.