Mine Creek Battlefield, Kansas SHS
20485 KS Highway 52, Pleasanton KS 66075-4023s
Phone: (913) 352-8890
E-Mail: minecreek@kshs.org
Web Address: http://www.kshs.org/places/minecreek/index.htm
Mine Creek Battlefield, a Kansas State Historic Site, has a 3,000-square-foot visitor center that houses hands-on exhibits. Inside the center, visitors can see Civil War-era uniforms, learn about eyewitnesses to the battle, view vivid sketches, and see weapons from the battle. The center’s exhibits take visitors through the days leading up to the battle, and tell the story of Price’s raid through Missouri and Kansas.
Visitors can attend living history programs hosted throughout the year and walk the 2.6 mile trail around the site. Battlefield signs guide visitors to specific areas of interest along the trail and provide information about the types of flora and fauna associated with the region. The trail offers an excellent opportunity to witness wildlife such as white-tailed deer, mourning dove, cottontail rabbits, raccoon, opossum, coyote, bobcat, and fox squirrels.
Mine Creek Battlefield is located two miles south on U.S. 69, one-half mile west on K-52 in Pleasanton, Kansas.
Hours: First Wednesday in April through last Saturday in October
10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Wednesday – Saturday
Closed all state holidays
Admission: $3 adults, $1 students; KSHS, Inc., members, children five and under admitted free
ADA Accessible
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Battlefield, Kansas SHS